Use of Mathematical Picture Books to Engage Children in the Upper Primary Years in Mathematics
To support the roll-out of the new mathematics curriculum for primary and special schools in Ireland, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Oide, the newly-established professional learning support service, and the Teaching Council have come together to produce a collection of research and other resources related to mathematics. Making the list is “Teachers’ Use of Mathematical Picture Books to Engage Children in the Upper Primary Years in Mathematics” authored by Dr Lorraine Harbison with colleagues Mary Kingston and Sue Miller.
“Set in the context of an emergence of a new Primary Mathematics Curriculum, this novel study explores the use of picture books with children in the upper years of primary school. Linking picture books with different mathematical topics and learning, the authors share findings according to the core principles of Universal Design for Learning, namely, engagement, representation, and action and expression.”
Carmel Kearns, Head of Teachers’ Learning & Research
The manuscript is published through the Teaching Council online library, available at “Using Research in our Schools”.
You can also access the full paper below.