At MathScify Assessment, we believe that mathematics and science are not about mere memorisation of procedures but a journey of exploration and diverse problem-solving approaches. We are dedicated to fostering a learning environment that embraces the richness of mathematical and scientific thinking through formative assessment and open tasks.
Our Vision
Our vision is to empower teachers to unlock their students' mathematical and scientific potential by providing a diverse range of tasks that cater to individual growth points along a developmentally appropriate trajectory.
We strive to create a learning platform where all students, regardless of age or class level, can engage with the same problem in a manner that suits their confidence and experience.
Our Commitment
At MathScify Assessment, we are committed to supporting teachers in three essential ways
Identification of Diverse Thinking Levels
We recognise that every student is unique, and their learning journeys should reflect this individuality.
We assist teachers in recognising and accommodating the multitude of thinking levels within their classrooms.
Our tasks allow less confident learners to work comfortably while challenging more confident learners, ensuring that each student's distinct abilities are nurtured.
Interpreting Evidence and Informed Judgments
We empower teachers to interpret assessment evidence effectively, enabling them to make informed judgments about their students' grasp of key mathematical and scientific skills and concepts.
This informed assessment approach helps tailor instruction to meet individual needs.
Harnessing the Power of Formative Assessment
By combining formative assessment and open tasks, we strive to create a dynamic and effective learning environment within classrooms.
Our dedication lies in providing teachers with the resources and tools necessary to promote their students' mathematical and scientific skills and overall academic progression.
Empowering Growth
We are committed to supporting teachers in employing formative assessment to benefit their students' learning journeys.
By recognising the significance of formative assessment, we aim to empower teachers to understand their student's progress and identifying any misconceptions that may arise.
Alongside this, we encourage the implementation of open tasks, which offer multiple approaches and solutions, fostering critical and creative thinking among students.
Unlocking Potential
Feedback is a crucial component of formative assessment that plays a significant role in shaping students' understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts and problem-solving strategies.
Through effective and elaborated feedback, teachers can help students bridge the gap between their current understanding and their learning goals.
By involving students in the feedback process, promoting metacognition, and encouraging a growth mindset, teachers can foster a positive and empowering learning environment where students thrive in their mathematical and scientific journey.

Unveiling Student Thinking
The tasks on MathScify Assessment are more than just ordinary problems; they are the key to unlocking a window into your students' cognitive processes, dispositions, and motivations.
As teachers, you can garner valuable data through these tasks, which serve as evidentiary warrants for understanding your students' knowledge, misconceptions, and engagement with the subjects.
Learn More
Effective Feedback on MathScify TasksWhile feedback is instrumental in promoting learning, the provision of grades can sometimes hinder students' willingness to take risks and explore new concepts. It is essential to prioritise feedback that is focused on learning goals rather than solely on assigning grades. When providing feedback on our open tasks, teachers should consider the individual needs and levels of their students. For example: Primary Level Children: As young learners may have limited reading skills, feedback should be delivered in a way they can comprehend, such as using visuals, verbal explanations, or demonstrations. Higher-Order Learning Tasks: For challenging or higher-order tasks, delayed feedback can be more effective, allowing students time to engage conceptually with the subject. Guiding Students’ Learning Trajectory: Set meaningful goals and chart your students' progress with confidence using our assessment tools based on learning trajectories. You will use rubrics to gain clarity in your evaluations, ensuring meaningful feedback for improvement. Checklists help you assess your students’ abilities, processes, and solutions, enabling you to generate feedback that fosters improvement in future learning and performance. Involving Students in the Feedback Process: Encouraging students to self-assess using rubrics and supporting their strategy selection enhances their understanding and self-awareness. Checklists and rubrics based on learning trajectories can be particularly beneficial for students to track their progress and set achievable goals, promoting a sense of ownership over their learning.
Nurturing Growth with Learning Trajectories and Formative AssessmentLearning progression pathways, also known as learning trajectories, represent the successively more complex ways of thinking about topics as students’ progress in their learning. Presently, the use of learning trajectories/progressions as a tool for formative assessment is more developed for early years and early primary mathematics than for senior primary/post-primary mathematics. Where possible, we have referenced the learning trajectories in our Teacher Resource materials as detailed in the Primary Mathematics Toolkit (2022) developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. These tools help identify where students are on their learning journey and guide instruction accordingly. By incorporating these pathways into your teaching approach, you gain a deeper understanding of your students' development and can provide relevant and timely feedback to support their learning. Formative assessment practices grounded in learning trajectories can lead to significant gains in students' learning, particularly in disadvantaged school communities. When combined with other effective teaching strategies like collaborative learning and risk-taking, formative assessment can positively influence a learner's mathematical and scientific development.
Join us on the Journey
We invite teachers and students alike to join us on this exciting learning journey. Utilise the tasks and formative assessment tools on Mathsify Assessment to guide your students towards mathematical and scientific excellence, dispel misconceptions, and foster a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.
With your help, we hope to make a range of exemplars and samples of student work available, showcasing different processes and attainment levels. This resource will further support the interpretation and understanding of learning trajectories, rubrics, and checklists.
For more information, or if you would like to be involved, please contact us here.
Many of the strategies presented here were informed by “Formative assessment to support literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy at primary and post-primary levels. A review of the literature” (Shiel & Dooley, 2022). The full paper can be accessed at https://zenodo.org/record/7881266