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Association for Teacher Education in Europe Spring Conference 2024

The ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe) Spring Conference 2024 was held in the beautiful city of Bergamo, Italy. The title of the conference was “Teacher education research in Europe: trends, challenges, practices and perspectives”. 

Lorraine Harbison at the conference

At the conference, there was an inspirational keynote speech given by Professor Maria Teresa Tatto who, building on her work with the Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M), spoke of the value of comparative self-study of teacher education and teaching. 


This set the scene nicely for Lorraine and her co-chair Milan Stojkovic, who were delighted to welcome so many new members to the Science and Mathematics Research and Development Community. 


There were two wonderful collaborative workshops and some fantastic ideas as to future directions for Mathscify.

Serges Glotov from the University of Luxembourg is looking at developing tasks with and for early childhood educators to promote STEAM (interdisciplinary teaching/learning of science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) competencies. 


Hilde Rabaut, a teacher trainer in Ghent, at Hogent University of Applied Sciences, showcased some of the wonderful games that she has developed, again for use in the early years. 


An exciting new development that arose from the workshops is that the ever-increasing Mathscify team are to begin developing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) resources to support the teaching, learning, and assessment of mathematics and science. 


Watch this space!

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