Algebra - A Little Rainbow of Mathematics
Task 1: Look at the picture of buttons. Talk about everything you see.

What colour buttons are in the picture?
Can you see a pattern?
What colour might come next?
Copy the pattern using colours.
Task 2: Now look at this pattern.

What is the same as the pattern in task 1?
What is different from the pattern in task 1?
What colour might come next? How do you know?
Copy and continue the pattern you see for the next four buttons.
Task 3: Describe the pattern in this picture.

What is staying the same and what is changing each time in this pattern?
What do you think might come next?
What colour buttons might be in line 10? Explain your thinking.
Task 4: Now try making your own patterns.
Try making a pattern with three colours.
Can you make a pattern with four colours?
You might like to use one of the templates below.
Click on the template below
Rainbow Pattern Board One
Click on the template below
Rainbow Pattern Board Two
Share your patterns with your classmates.
Task 5: Can you create your own pattern poem?
You can record a sound file and send it to your teacher.
Or write your poem in the template below.
Click on the template below